Why Are Alloy Wheels Better?

The average car’s life expectancy is 15 years. If you are in the market for a new set of tires, it might be worth your while to consider alloy wheels. They are more expensive upfront, but they have many benefits that make them well worth the investment in the...

5 Tips on How to Take Care of Your New Car

If you have just bought a new car, congratulations! There’s nothing quite like being handed the keys to your brand new ride and driving off into the sunset. But, of course, it’s not all fun and games. If you really want to enjoy it for a long time, keeping...

Know Your Car: Wheel Anatomy Explained

What part of your car works hard every day but rarely gets noticed? Your wheels! Let’s face it unless they’re flat, damaged, or otherwise impossible to drive on, most drivers rarely think about their wheels. So this blog post is dedicated to those 4...

Your Complete Guide to Vehicle Wheel Sizes

Wheels are an often overlooked part of a car that can have major effects on the performance, comfort, and safety of your drive. Having the wrong size for your car or truck can negatively affect gas mileage, handling ability, cornering speed, acceleration, braking...